Theory of Resistor

Theory of Resistor
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Resistors are widely used in all electronic devices (radio, television, computer, printer etc.). Different components used in electronic circuits operate at different voltages. Resistors are used in electronic circuits for the purpose of causing voltage drop by connecting resistors in the supply voltage path to provide a certain level of voltage according to the needs of these components.


In electronic and electrical circuits, the function of resistors is to limit, control and block current flow. A resistor is a resistor that limits or controls current by causing voltage drops across the various paths of the circuit. And the properties or properties of resistors and conductors that block the flow of current through them are called resistance.

The resistor is denoted by r. Resistance is unit ohm. Resistor is given different color band, value of resistor is determined by looking at this color or using ohmmeter

European and American symbols for registors
European and American symbols for registors

The figure shows the European and American symbols for registors. In the circuit, this symbol stands for resistor.

Resistors are mainly of two types:
  1. Fixed Resistor.
  2. Variable Resistor.

Fixed Resistor
Fixed Resistor: Limits current and completes circuit.

Variable Resistor
Variable Resistor: Used for volume, contrast and tone controls.

Resistance circuit is mainly of three types:
  1. Series circuit
  2. Parallel circuit
  3. Series Parallel or mixedg circuit

Series Circuit
Series circuit

A series circuit is a series circuit where two or more loads are connected in series across the electrical source in such a way that there is only one path for current to flow. Since there is only one path or path of current flow in a series circuit, there is a break or disconnection anywhere along this path If the circuit is completely ineffective i.e. no part of it will work.

Characteristies of Series Circuit:
  1. Since there is only one path or path of current flow in a series circuit, the same current flows through all resistances or loads connected to it.
    I = I 1 = I 2 = I 3 = I 4 = .......... = I n.

  2. The sum of the voltage drops across each resistance or load in a series circuit is equal to the supply voltage of the circuit.
    V = V 1 + V 2 + V 3 + V 4 + .......... + V n.

  3. The total resistance value of a series circuit is equal to the sum of the resistances of all the loads connected in the circuit.
    R = R 1 + R 2 + R 3 + R 4 + .......... + R n.

  4. Reciprocal value of total conductance of series circuit will be equal to sum of reciprocal value of conductance of each load.

  5. 1/Gt = 1/G 1 + 1/G 2 + 1/G 3 + 1/G 4 + .......... + 1/G n.

Parallel circuit
Parallel circuit

A circuit in which multiple resistors or loads are each connected across an electrical source in such a way that multiple paths of current flow are available is called a parallel circuit.

Because in a parallel circuit, one end of each resistance or load is connected to a common point and the other ends to another common point.

Characteristies of Paraller Circuit:
  1. Since parallel circuits have equal number of paths for the current to flow through the load, the current flows through all the resistances or loads connected to it separately, so the total current in the circuit is equal to the sum of the currents flowing through the loads.
    It = I 1 + I 2 + I 3 + I 4 + .......... + I n.

  2. The voltage drop across each resistance or load in a parallel circuit is equal to the supply voltage of the circuit.
    Vt = V 1 = V 2 = V 3 = V 4 = .......... = V n.

  3. The reciprocal of the total resistance of a parallel circuit is equal to the sum of the reciprocals of the resistances of all the loads connected in the circuit.
    1/Rt = 1/R 1 + 1/R 2 + 1/R 3 + 1/R 4 + .......... + 1/R n.

  4. The total conductance value of the parallel circuit will be equal to the sum of the conductance values of each load.
    Gt = G 1 + G 2 + G 3 + G 4 + .......... + G n.

Series Parallel or mixedg circuit
Series Parallel or mixedg circuit
Characteristies of Paraller or Mixed Circuit :
  1. A unit consists of two or more resistances connected in parallel and may have series resistances connected.

  2. Two or more series resistances are connected in parallel with each other.

  3. Two or more parallel resistances may be connected together.

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Frequently Asked Questions:
What is a resistor f01919?

A material which obstructs the flow of electrons but does not stop them is called a resistor. Eg: carbon resistance, ceramic resistor etc.

What does resistance mean f01919?

When current flows through a conductor, it is more or less obstructed by the conductor. That resistance is called conduction resistance.

What are the types of resistance circuits and what are they f01919?

There are three types of resistance circuit: Namely-

  1. Series circuit.
  2. Parallel circuit.
  3. Mixed circuit.
What is series circuit called f01919?

Two or more loads are connected in series across the electrical source in such a way that there is only one path for the current to flow, it is called a series circuit.

What is parallel circuit called f01919?

Multiple resistors or loads are each connected across an electrical source in such a way that multiple paths of current flow exist, such a circuit is called a parallel circuit.

All, Thanks for Visit to Electronics Tricks Site.

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